Friday, August 27, 2010

Writing Plays

We have been using well known nursery rhymes as inspiration to write a play. We thought it would be a good idea to write a play to help us understand what we are doing with our school production Sleeping Beauty. Mrs Hepi used a model using Hey Diddle Diddle to help us understand what to do. Then she wrote her own play based on little Miss Muffet which you can read. As our plays get to publishing standard they will be posted on our blog.

CAST: Little Miss Muffet, Spider

PROPS: Tuffet, bowl of curds and whey

(Little Miss Muffet (LMM) t is sitting sulkily with her breakfast in the nursery)

LMM: Oh, curds and why again? What I would do for a bowl of Cocopops!

(LMM eats a spoonful of curds and whey and screws up her face at the same time)

LMM: And this jolly tuffet is so hard and lumpy it is just not funny. What a way to start the day - lump curds and lumpy tuffet!

(LMM continues to eat, shifting around trying to get comfortable on her tuffet)

LMM: If I wasn’t so hungry I would chuck this revolting lumpy stuff out the window.

(Unbeknown to LMM a spider crawls down its silky thread to land on her shoulder)

SPIDER: Well hello Little Miss Muffet. Aren’t you a moaning minnie?

(LMM can hear the spider but can’t see it)

LMM: Who’s that? Where are you?

(LMM twists and turns trying to see who spoke. Her eyes widening with fear)

SPIDER: I (pause) am your worst nightmare, you ungrateful wretch!

(LMM keeps twisting and turning)

LMM: What do you mean? NIghtmare? Ungrateful? I don’t understand.

SPIDER: You sit there in your fancy clothes eating fine food, sitting on a fabulous tuffet and all you do is moan, moan, moan.

(The spider moves slowly forwards so LMM is able to see it)

SPIDER: Look at me. All I get to eat are dirty flies with a sprinkling of house dust.

LMM: Well, you can hardly blame me for that!

SPIDER: Be quiet! Look at your frilly frock with its lace collar. How would you feel if you had to wear hairy black every day.

LMM: And you call me a moaner.

SPIDER: Not only are you ungrateful but you are cheeky as well.

(Now LMM can see the big black hairy spider which moves gracefully down her arm)

LMM: Well I don’t think much of your manners either!

(LMM stares wildly at the spider on her as it begins to grow)

SPIDER: Well dearie, remember I mentioned a nightmare. Guess what? I’m not having flies for breakfast today.

(The spider laughs an evil laugh. LMM shrieks as she tries to run away)

LMM: Arrggghhh!!!

(The spider takes a huge bite and devours LMM, licking it’s lips when finished).

SPIDER: Well, that was a tasty morsel - must be the curds and whey!

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