Thursday, June 17, 2010

The World Cup Final

The crowd went wild as the ball shot past the goal keeper and erupted as it hit the net. It was a miracle goal that won the Magics the World Cup. The two teams were about to have a draw but the goalie had decided to fall asleep on the job. The goal was scored and the game was won.

Joshua Gripps was concentrating furiously. The final had to have a winner and he was determined to make it his team. The Magic defenders had managed to push the Dinos out of the defending half and Lucifer Hectin was dribbling the ball down the field. Joshua's heart filled with hope. Lucifer was the best player in the team. Joshua was sure that he would make it. One minute to go.

The tension was building as the Dino defenders closed in to attack him. Joshua could see the beads of sweat on Lucifer’s face as he passed the ball across the field. Joshua received the ball neatly and started to dribble. The defenders ran up to him and tried to tackle him. For a second all was lost as Joshua lost control of the ball. He looked behind him and smiled as Lucifer shot behind him. The defender on the ground jumped to his feet and sprinted after Lucifer. Joshua looked at his friend. Lucifer was nearing the goal. He had a good chance of scoring but Joshua knew Lucifer needed his help. Thirty seconds to go.

The crowd held their breath. The Dino defenders were faster than Lucifer. But Joshua knew that he could outrun the defenders. In his mind he willed Lucifer to hang on. Just a little bit longer and he would be there. Twenty seconds to go.

Lucifer glanced behind him. The defenders were closing in. Then Lucifer smiled. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Joshua nearing him. Lucifer trusted his friend's skills and speed. If only he could get the ball to him somehow. Ten seconds to go.

Everything then seemed to happen in slow motion. Lucifer crossed it to Joshua. The defenders turned to attack him but they were too late. Joshua swung his foot and it connected with the ball as hard as he could manage. The ball flew towards the net. The net shook as the ball slid down it. There was a moment of shocked silence and then the crowd erupted with joy. The horn blew for the end of the game. The noise was deafening. The game was won for the Magics. Joshua Gripps had scored the winning goal.

Bella 16/06/10