Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Heart Locket

My Heart Locket

My heart locket is special to me because my old best friend Lily Linford gave it to me. It reminds me of my grandma. It looks old fashioned, but I only got it last year for my ninth birthday.

My heart locket is white with roses in all different shades of pink and purple. I’m never going to throw it away or give it to anyone else, but when I die, if I can find it, I will pass it onto my children (if I have any),who will pass it down again.

Lily gave it to me to keep, so I stored it in my treasure box in my room. I love it so much. It’s very pretty. I think it was made in China or England, but it’s so small, about the size of Smiggle heart eraser.

It’s so special to me and I’m going to keep it till I’m old.

Thank you for reading.

By Emma

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