Sunday, September 18, 2011

Emily's Taonga Explanation

My Lollie Bag

My lollie bag is small and special. It was given to me when I was little.

My lollie bag is a small square shape. It’s pink with small different coloured
hearts all over it. In the bottom right hand corner there is a purple E and
that is the first letter of my name

My lollie bag is special to me because it was given to me from my great nan
who is my dad’s nan. My great nan died quite a long time ago. Another reason that the lollie bag is special to me is because it reminds me of my great nan.

I was three or four when I got given my lollie bag. My great nan made/sewed one for the kids in my family because every time we went to visit my great nan she gave us lollies so she made us those lollie bags.

My lollie bag is very special and means a lot to me and I will look after it forever.

By Emily

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