Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The new book slammed its shiny body playfully into his friend.
The wind whistled angrily through the dense wood.
The rain punched and kicked the windowpanes of the dark manor.
The jolly moon smiled gaily over the field.
The leaves danced on the tree when the breeze skipped across the sky.

The dew is a delicate baby
Chuckling cheerfully
from a small olive leaf
Slipping daintily
and falling through the cool air.

The petal is a soft young girl
Playing joyfully
on her flower bed
Jumping and dancing
and twirling with her friends.

The glass is an angry young criminal
Snarling spitefully
on the moist earth
Cutting and slicing
anyone that comes near.

The doll is a jolly jester
Cracking jokes
from the dusty shelf
Cheering up
Everyone that plays with him.

The candle is a tired prince
Burning dreamily
from his golden holder
His light fading
as he drifts off to sleep.

The shelf is a groaning old man
Creaking and complaining
as he tries to support the books
Grumbling and scowling
as he is fed some more novels.

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