Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Boot camp for cats

          Boot camp for cats

Once there was a Tiger called Sam ,he was the only wild cat in the area that he lived in. Sadly he was a naughty tiger and caused heaps of trouble his mum took him to lessons to behave but it wasn’t working so his mum only had one choice........... To send Sam to boot camp.

When Sam started he was very happy . Every day he would sit next to tom cat but soon he became aware of something ,All of the other cats were different except him and tom cat ,(they were the same).

Sam discovered that he shouldn’t be acting like the other cats so .Sadly but quickly he turned from being a nice and caring student to being the school bully!Another sad thing is that his Sam’s mum was encouraging him .

His principle had been waiting for the bullying to stop but it wasn’t.Eventually he discovered that it wasn’t getting any better in fact it was getting worse ,so he called Sam into his office . Sam came in nervously trembling ,”you don’t look like a tiger now do you?” grumped the principle .The principle gave him a big growling, and sent him back to class.

Fortunately everything fell back into place. His mum was a lot happier and so was Sam. 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting story loved it from the start to the end.
