Monday, November 22, 2010

Sing a Song of Six Pence

Sing a Song of Six Pence

Cast: Queen,Maid,Blackbird.

(Maid comes in singing)

Maid: Sing a song of six pence a pocket full of pie.

(Queen enters room with list)

Queen: Maid there should be four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie!

Maid: Yes your highness!

(Queen leaves room)

Maid: I have got to get rid of that Queen!

(Queen enters in confused)

Queen: Did you say something Maid?

Maid: Nope, not at all.

Queen: Ok? Bye.

Maid: Okay, bye.

(Queen leaves room)

(Maid laughs an evil laugh)

Maid: Ha ha ha ha ha!

Maid: Right, how am I going to do this?

Maid: Think think think!

(Maid snaps her fingers to show she has an idea)

Maid: Ha! Now I know what to do!

(Maid makes a trap for the Queen)

(Queen enters in and unseen trap)

Queen: Maid where did you go again?

Maid: Oh I’m in here, just come a bit closer!

(Queen comes closer to the trap but still can not see it)

Maid: Ha ha ha ha

Blackbird: No! Your highness! Don’t walk a step!

(Queen looks up all confused)

Queen: Who is that?

Maid: Uh!That pesky Blackbird will be gone one day!

Blackbird: Your highness it’s a trap

Queen: It is where?

Blackbird:Right in front of you

Queen: Oh my! Who did this trap?

Blackbird: It was your Maid, Your Highness.

(Maid gets surprised)

Maid: Did I?

Queen: I know you did! Off you go to the dungeons!

Maid: No!

Blackbird: Bye bye !

The End.

Adapted by Alanis

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