Friday, September 14, 2012

The Storm

                                                           The Storm
One dark, shadowy night, Anna and Taylor were staying up late and gossiping. Suddenly, the house shook, additionally rocking the house side to side, up and down.

"What's happening?!?" Taylor wailed.
"A... a storm!" Anna squealed. The house rocked suddenly, as if to accept what they said. The wind howled, thunder crashed, trees came tumbling down, thunderously, everything, every house, rocking and crashing down.

"It's ok, I know what to do in an earthquake." Anna said. Anna was older and was responsible than Taylor."Ok, what do we do first?" Taylor asked.
"Get under something and get a first aid kit, tables a good thing to get under."
"I'll get the first aid kit, and you go get our things, that will do, as much as possible.

They ran outside, gathered up people and made a group. They started to go to the least rocky place, outside Whangarei. "Good place, we can go get our stuff and other peoples stuff, you know we can all live here. We'll stay here the night and get things." And everything worked out OK.
By Halle.

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