Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day Haiku

For Mother's Day we wrote a haiku to describe our mums.  Our haiku had 17 syllables and used the line pattern of 5 syllables (first line), 7 syllables (second line) 5 syllables (last line).  It sounds really easy to write a haiku but it really is quite difficult.  You have to choose your words carefully and it is really hard not to just make a list of words.  After we had typed our haikus we imported the text into a word cloud online programme called Tagexdo.  We then cut our the word clouds and our typed text and made a lovely card for our mums.

My Mum

Super, sporty mum 
Sometimes sneaks out to buy shoes 
Addicted to books.

love Gemma 

Gemma created two Taxegdos.  She used the second on the card she made for her Mum.

My Mum
Tall, glowing reader 
    Hard worker with a big heart 
Best Mother ever

love Te Amo

My Mum 
Small, pretty, funny 
Young, clever, cheeky,awesome 
Best mother ever

Love Tegan

My Mummy

Encouraging love 
Awesome crafty artist Mum 
Trustworthy angel

                   love Roisin


Trustworthy mother 
Irreplaceable angel 
Super dooper Mum

love Roshan 


Kind, helpful, fun 
Keeping my messy room straight 
Fitness freak mother



Awesome hairdresser 
Irreplaceable mother 
Amazing cleaner

love Simba 

 Mother Dearest

Angel of Healing 
Pro baker, cup cake cover 
A fast reader and bookworm

love Tayla

 My Mum

Addicted to books 
Always loves to shop online 
Loves a tidy house.

love Emma


Young, pretty, funny 
Clean and fussy, fancy cook 
Loves shopping for shoes.

love Poppy

Thursday, September 27, 2012

SCHOOL by William 10


“Bob”, said Mr.Brown.
Bob had just been daydreaming about his football tournament tomorrow.
“What? Oh, the X equals five, and the P equals seven”, answered Bob.
“Yes you are correct”, said Mr.Brown “But I was just asking you to open the window”.
“Oh, okay”,answered Bob as he opened the window.

Bob had to get over daydreaming otherwise he wouldn’t get to go to university and he wouldn’t get his dream job. A writer.

“Good afternoon everybody, I will see you on Monday” said Mr.Brown. Everybody then scurried out the door like big crabs. Bob was about to leave when Mr.Brown called him back into the classroom.
“I’ve noticed you have been daydreaming in class Bob,here’s a little bit of advise,bring an energy drink to school on Monday and we’ll see how that works” explained Mr. Brown
“Thanks for the advise Mr.Brown”, replied Bob.

On Monday Bob took some powerade to school like Mr.Brown had told him to do. It worked. He got good results in his writing exam and his spelling test and he never daydreamed at school again.

Sharks belong in the ocean, not...

Sharks belong in the ocean, not ...

Sharks belong in the ocean, not in Sam's fish tank. Sam was going to feed his fish until he saw a baby shark squishing the fish.

He tried to pull the shark out but the fish tank was too small. Then Sam putting butter on the shark. Sam was squishing his hands in the fish tank to put butter on but his mum needed the butter to make cookies. Then Sam asked his dad if he could use his hammer, he replied " Yes " just as Sam  was about to walk off his dad told him." Wash the hammer before you give it back " while he was walking he realized he was teasing him. When Sam arrived in his room he in his head " goodbye fish tank " then SMASH!

Sam ran to the washing room to get a basket. Sam dragged the shark and tried to chuck the shark the in the basket, he remembered he had to return the hammer to his dad. So after he returned to the shark, he chucked the shark in the basket and ran back in to the house

Sam's mum went to Sam's room to give him a plate of cookies. Sam was about to walk in to his room until his strode to him and asked him " why is there glass on the floor and where is your fish tank " Sam forgot all about it. His mum bought a new fish tank and some fish.

By Charmaine  


“Well well well what have you to done now?‘asked our mums.
We told them the whole story, Jolly had just finished her travel device which Julie and I did most of the work on. So the teacher was coming Miss Ancypancy we were so nerves, Julie and I fell in the travel device and accidentally pushed the button.

Unbelievably we  landed up in a school. Julie told me not to worry then these random people showed up and captured us. They put us in detention Julie was freaking out because she’s a goody-to-shoes. We tried to escape threw the windows but they were locked. Julie started to cry suddenly we heard a thump it was coming closer and closer.

The door slammed open it was Miss Ancypancy she had fought of all the guards. I wondered why she had saved us and how then 
Julie said ‘come on !’
We saw two exactly the same travel devices 
Miss Ancypancy said ‘you to,follow me’
‘okay’ we replied.
When we got back Miss Ancypancy her whole story she was a undercover agent.
‘AAAAAHHHHH’ we screamed in a good way.
You know now, I must go. She left straight away. So thats the whole story!

‘Your grounded for one month oh wait make that two for lying to us’ our mums said
‘But were not lying’ we whined
‘Do you want to make that three months (‘no’ we sighed) then shh‘  our mums teased.
‘Told you they wouldn’t believe us’ Julie whispered to me
‘Still it was worth a shot. 
By Tori



Thursday, September 20, 2012


Sharks belong in the ocean not the toilet.....   
“Ouch!” I heard my grandad  shout one day. “do not go into the toilet,” he panted 
“ why not,” I ask back.
“Theres a shark in there,”.
“grandads gone bonkers,” I thought to myself. 

A little while later I needed to go toilet.I sat down and ..... ouch something bit me.I sprung to my feet,spun around and there it was sitting in the toilet..... a white tipped reef shark.

I tried a lot of different ways to get it out.I tried fishing it out I tried using horse meat  I tried  a giant fishing net I tried flushing it down it just flooded the bathroom

Suddenly I had an idea I sprinted down  the stairs picked up the phone called the aquarium.They came and took it away forever.Problem solved.  

Written by Noah . 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Bombing By Fintan

The humidity was sweltering the people of london, while Paul chief of the royal fire fighting service was walking to the orphanage. He had been notified the day day before that the Germans were going to bomb London, probably at night. He had assembled the force so they were ready to deploy at the wave of his hand. Paul was going to the orphanage to see Timmy. Timmy was a little boy who Paul visited regularly. Paul had always wanted to adopt Timmy, as he was like a son to him, but Paul hadn’t settled in yet with a person to raise him. So Paul waited. He arrived at the front door and knocked three times.”Hello Mrs. Pete may I see Timmy?”        
“Oh yes of course Paul, he always enjoys guests!,” answered Mrs. Pete. “Any news about the germans?” she whispered.
“Yes they will come tonight probably”. Paul trod up the stairs and opened the antique door and into Timmy’s room. “Hello Timmy,” greeted Paul.
“Good afternoon Paul”. Timmy pushed his wheel chair forward to talk to him. They talked for a few hours about what was happening in their lives. Paul eventually decided it was time to get to the station, so he begain his trek back.

The German bomber planes flew silently through the british airfields. The radar tracked them down. A light started flashing on the tower so the radar monitor went to see what had been detected. “Commander?,” asked the radar monitor. 
“Yes? what is it?”
At this point the commander got flooded with calls from secret services, code crackers and radar scientists. They all came with the same message, the germans are coming.

“Um, sir?,” asked the deputy royal fire fighter service leader.
“yes?”, replied Paul
“We’ve just been notified that 20 German bombers planes are heading for London.”
Paul hopped off his seat and pulled out his walkie talkie.”Deploy all units! Fires should be starting soon!”. He ran out of the room hoping it wasn’t too late, took a group of tired looking fire men, jumped in a fire truck and set off for the orphanage.

London was in chaos. The streets had holes and were on fire, buildings exploded and people screamed. Paul raced towards the orphanage, ignoring the mayhem surrounding him. They arrived at the orphanage to see it as a blazing inferno of fire and wood. Paul witnessed Mrs.Pete running out of the building her frilly dress on fire. The youngest of the fire fighters poured a bucket of water over her and called an ambulance. Paul rushed into the building to find Timmy’s wheel chair lodged in between a rafter form the ceiling and the wall. Timmy was dead or unconscious. Paul hoped he was the second option. He pulled Timmy out of his wheelchair and took him outside choking slightly on some ash. “Timmy please wake up!” Shouted Paul, “please”.

Timmy never died he was in a coma for six weeks though. Paul found himself a beautiful wife called Sharon, they adopted Timmy and raised him as their own. 2 years later England won the war and all was well.


The storm by Kaleb

BOOM! All of Brads house was full of chaos, lightning struck as a dreadful tornado tore through his house.
‘MUM!’ Brad screamed as he soared half way around the world.

‘OUCH!!!’ brad cried as he fell hard on the ground.
Brad searched the jungle he was in he spouted some vines, trees, monkeys, and a strange lion wearing funny looking clothes.

‘Food!’ it drooled.
‘where?’ Brad asked.
‘Im looking at it,’ the lion snarled. 
‘Oh, my banana,’ Brad beamed. 
‘NO! its you O.K!’ it shouted.
‘Oh, ah!’ Brad screamed. 

The lion pushed Brad back into a vine. Brad waled back, back and back till the vine couldn’t handle the pressure. The vine flung Brad half way around the world to his home.

‘Wake up Brad! Its time to go to school!’ shouted a familiar voice.
Brad opened his eyes and saw his sister Bob staring down at him .
"it was only a dream,' Brad puffed

Boot camp for cats

          Boot camp for cats

Once there was a Tiger called Sam ,he was the only wild cat in the area that he lived in. Sadly he was a naughty tiger and caused heaps of trouble his mum took him to lessons to behave but it wasn’t working so his mum only had one choice........... To send Sam to boot camp.

When Sam started he was very happy . Every day he would sit next to tom cat but soon he became aware of something ,All of the other cats were different except him and tom cat ,(they were the same).

Sam discovered that he shouldn’t be acting like the other cats so .Sadly but quickly he turned from being a nice and caring student to being the school bully!Another sad thing is that his Sam’s mum was encouraging him .

His principle had been waiting for the bullying to stop but it wasn’t.Eventually he discovered that it wasn’t getting any better in fact it was getting worse ,so he called Sam into his office . Sam came in nervously trembling ,”you don’t look like a tiger now do you?” grumped the principle .The principle gave him a big growling, and sent him back to class.

Fortunately everything fell back into place. His mum was a lot happier and so was Sam. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Adam's awesome story, Sharks belong in the ocean not,... Jim's bathtub.

Sharks belong in ocean not,...
Jim’s bathtub.  
Jim is 94 years old and is partly blind
and forget full. He just loooovesssss fish so one day Jim went to a strange looking pet store to buy a fish. The strange shop keeper gave him a rather odd looking big fish.

 When Jim arrived home he put the strange big fish in his sink. He fed his pet fish everyday and notices his fish has really big sharp teeth  Jim is so old and partly blind he does not notice that his pet fish is actually a shark!! 

Jim’s pet shark has gotten so big it has to be put in his bathtub. As i said earlier Jim has bad memory so he had forgotten the shark was in the bathtub and also he is partly blind so he jumped in his bathtub and ... GULP! 
Jim’s shark swallows Jim whole!

 Luckily the live bait sees Jim get swallowed so he jumps into the sharks mouth and grabs its tonsils and swings on them until the shark vomits... blahhhhh!! Jim and the live bait safely slides out covered in fishy spew.

Jim and the live bait become best friends and live a happy life.

By Adam- 11

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Storm

                                                           The Storm
One dark, shadowy night, Anna and Taylor were staying up late and gossiping. Suddenly, the house shook, additionally rocking the house side to side, up and down.

"What's happening?!?" Taylor wailed.
"A... a storm!" Anna squealed. The house rocked suddenly, as if to accept what they said. The wind howled, thunder crashed, trees came tumbling down, thunderously, everything, every house, rocking and crashing down.

"It's ok, I know what to do in an earthquake." Anna said. Anna was older and was responsible than Taylor."Ok, what do we do first?" Taylor asked.
"Get under something and get a first aid kit, tables a good thing to get under."
"I'll get the first aid kit, and you go get our things, that will do, as much as possible.

They ran outside, gathered up people and made a group. They started to go to the least rocky place, outside Whangarei. "Good place, we can go get our stuff and other peoples stuff, you know we can all live here. We'll stay here the night and get things." And everything worked out OK.
By Halle.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

THE STORM by Fintan

It was a humid summer day, the wind was asleep, the sea was calm, a small picnic was going on while Andy took a midday walk.

The food was being distributed evenly between the family at the picnic. Food was plentiful, everyone was full and joyous. Then the storm came.

Andy unaware of the oncoming storm decided to quicken his pace to a jog throwing off his shoes kicking the sand in front of him feeling the grainy, softness between his toes enjoying the sensation.

Meanwhile a twisted tornado of death, full of sand rock and shell was hurling towards the family. The picnic was abandoned and everyone hid behind rocks and anything they could find, cowering with fear at the oncoming sand storm.

Andy, still oblivious to the commotion quickened his jog up to a sprint digging his feet in the sand, feeling like a caged animal that had been freed, an unusual break from the hard office floors his felt 6 days a week all year.

The tornado was right on top of the family. Some of the exposed members eyes were stunned to a point where they were numb. A giant soft flabby thing squashed their feast and smashed into a rock.

Andy was running at his full speed when he planted his foot in a squishy piece of cake someone had left on the beach, and stubbed his poor toe on a clump of rocks. He swears that he saw some ants looking up at him curiously that day.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fibonacci Writing

Last term we studied the Fibonacci sequence when exploring our concept of PATTERN.  We learned that this number pattern, which is 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21... is often found in nature.  So we set off around the school and looked for plants and flowers that reflected the sequence.  Most of us were able to find and photograph a plant that fitted the pattern.  We then wrote a very short story that related to our photo and that also followed the Fibonacci sequence - we only used the first six numbers of the pattern, 1,1,2,3,5, and 8.  This meant we could only use 20 words.  Do you know how hard it is to write something that is interesting, not repetitive and actually makes sense with 20 words?  When we published our writing we used the sequence again to make a Fibonacci Book.  We had to use inches when measuring to make our book.  That was a bit of a challenge because we had to find a ruler that actually had inches marked on it.  Luckily Adam's ruler had this scale and we were all able to use it.  Pages one and two were both 1 inch wide, page 3 was 2 inches wide, page 4 was 3 inches wide, page 5 was 5 inches and page 6 was 8 inches wide.  So our book looked a bit like a uneven concertina!
We glue our photo in the centre of page 6 and created our illustrations from there.  The final step was to add the writing.  Most of chose to use lots of different fonts that we thought suited our writing.  Creating these books has been a long process but it was worth the work.  They look fantastic and we think our writing is pretty good as well.  

white flower
glistens in the
sunlight as it gently sways
among all the outstanding trees in the sunset.   

dancing shadows,
amber bright, delicate,
gleaming in places, dusky in
others, crisp silken glossy leaves, watching, listening, waiting.     


beautiful day
in amongst the
flower bed.  A majestic butterfly
lays an appealing shape, it is the future.


star fish
fire dancing beneath
the dark gloomy shadows. Below
the ti trees are guarding the colourful forest.


crumbling edges
gasping for life.
Dying slowly, burning into ashes.
Standing still, leaves crowding, sun fading, forever dead.


warm colours
yellow, white pink.
Showing off in the sunshine
Waiting for friends to come and have fun.


waiting for
night to come.
Emerald green with magenta trims,
bored to its roots, wistfully waiting for fun.


violet pink
beautiful bright pansy,
peacefully resting in the sun,
waiting for nightfall, to curl ready to sleep.              


white pearl
playing together outside
cuddling together as a family.
They’re part of God’s creation on the earth.


flower rises
beautiful and bright.
Gloriously reflecting in the light,
sitting on the flower bed watching very curiously.


crumbling edges
gasping for life.
Dying slowly, burning into ashes.
Standing still, leaves crowding, sun fading, forever dead.


indigo dancers,
glowing in light.
Dancing majestically in the darkness,
flowing in the shadows are the cascading petals.


leafy green
bursts of light
poking through the lush leaves
grasping the teeny buds as they land gloomily.


exploding flowers
makes me feel
like I’m being hugged softly.
Waiting for friends to have so much fun.


Sweet William.
Dewey, small, fragile,
gently waving in the breeze. 
Different seasons, different, looks, summer, fall, winter,spring.               


standing strong
ready for battle
watching the ant army attack
being brave, hanging in there, untouchable, flawless crusader.


flowing gloriously
like the sea.
They look like glowing stars,
stars made by God for you and me.


sentry shining
in the sunlight,
scrutinizing the surrounding landscape with
a thousand eyes, finding enemies, protecting his brethren.


waiting patiently,
looking for friends.
Glancing at the bright sun,
surprised by the tickling fingers of her friend.


raspberry pink
creation of nature.
Resting quietly on it’s nest
of leaves waiting for nightfall.


white flower.
Stunningly swaying sweetly,
cheerfully waving in the wind.
Full of joy, soaking up the glorious sun.


star fish
fire dancing beneath
the dark gloomy shadows. Below
the ti trees are guarding the colourful forest.        


yellow pollen
creation of nature
has a mate beside him
sitting proudly needing his mothers protection from snails.  


so pretty.
It felt bump and squiggly.
Flowers are so cool.  I like them.      


star fish
fire dancing beneath
the dark gloomy shadows. Belowthe ti trees are guarding the colourful forest.         


pink leaved
flowers gently overlapping
each other, cooling down in
the sun, loving the cool breeze swaying around.
